Bro Slack starts out talking about influenza and plague which has wreaked havoc with mankind over the centuries. Although not many of us today would know anyone who was overcome…
Terry began a series this morning speaking of God and His plan for man. He began with Noah and the first two promises to Abraham. He continues tonight with an…
Terry wants to focus our thoughts on God over the next few weeks. We can see His grandeur in what He created; all that is around us. But Terry wants…
Rowdy talks about something that strikes to the heart of what makes Christians different from the general population of this world: Fear
A couple of weeks ago, Terry began a mini-series on “Deeds Make a Difference”. His point in the series is that most deeds are not Great deeds; truly, most deeds…
Terry relates several instances from the New Testament where the Apostles were opposed by groups and men in their teaching of Christ. In our society today, do we see a…
Terry continues his lesson from this morning on fellowship. There, he spoke how fellowship, as used in the Bible, is a union and spiritual in nature. This evening he speaks…