Reliving the Glory Days
Have you ever known someone always trying to relive their “glory day?” Maybe they were a star athlete in high school, the number one salesperson at their company, or the “big man on campus” in college. You know the type: Someone always looking at the rearview mirror in life. Have you been one of those more…
Sleeping Saints
Preachers have always had to put up with those saints who sleep during services. Eutychus, who fell out of the window in Acts 20, is probably the best known. While in Troas, Paul preached in a upper room where the church had gathered together. Luke tells us that “in a window sat a certain young more…
It Wont Wash Off!
This early Friday morning finds it a perplexed governor that has come to sit on the judgment-seat just outside the Praetorium. Having already examined Jesus, Pilate has found him to be innocent. Now, he must face a hostile and prejudiced mob who wants to hear this innocent man declared guilty. Not only has Pilate found more…
Young King Josiah
Think about it: An eight-year-old boy takes the reins of a country but doesn’t shrink back in intimidation. Instead, young Josiah goes head-first into serving his God personally, then nationally. By the time he’s 26, Josiah is leading a full-blown revival not seen since the days of his great-granddaddy Hezekiah. Idols came down, and God’s more…
God Says It Best
Listen to what God says about the Bible. The Bible is God’s work, not man’s. Galatians 1:11-12 Scripture is God breathed. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Every Word of God proves to be true. Proverbs 30:5 The Word of God stands forever. Isaiah 40:6-8 God’s Word will accomplish His purpose. Isaiah 55:8-11 God’s Word is understandable. Colossians more…