As the school year start is so very near, Terry speaks to the environment of public school. Yes, much can be learned and friendships can be formed or renewed but…
Terry says he sometimes wonders what kind of person he is; many do this sort of self-examination. We need to be honest with ourselves and know that there are things…
Terry reminds us of a recurring theme in the Bible; people tend to forget. Over and over, God’s chosen people forgot very quickly what God had done for them and…
Continuing from this morning, Terry speaks to us of needing to be Christ Like in our lifestyle. If we are a new creation through Christ then…
Bro Starling speaks to us of those people who have influenced our lives, he more completely speaks to us of how the greatest influence of our lives is our Savior…
Terry begins by reminding us of the wonder, peace, innocence, and quiet surrounding a sleeping baby. But for all that, there are “moments” when that baby can make things less…
Terry reads briefly from the beginning of 1st and 2nd Peter how, through God’s foreknowledge and design, we would be able to Partake of His Divine Nature. Just how are…
Bro Neff begins with a short history of the beginning of computing and AV systems. Tonight he is going to discuss Social Media and how that can help and hinder…
Reagan presents a lesson from a rather different point of view. He begins by identifying the clinical characteristics of the mental disorder of narcissism. Mind you, you only need to…
Ben says he’s going to talk to us about “hamstringing our credit cards”. He begins by going to Joshua and God’s command to the Israelites to hamstring the opponents horses…