Christians are disdained and hated for their strong convictions of faith, radical morality, and different ways of life. In a world of political correctness, it is still socially acceptable to mock and denigrate Christians. When Christians are maligned and mistreated, there is a natural tendency to play the victim card, have self-pity, and say, “Woe is me.” However, playing the victim has two major problems.
Firstly, being the victim will inhibit our growth and work in Christ. Our focus and energy turn inward, no longer focusing outward towards others and upwards towards the prize of the upward call of Jesus. We shrink away from things that cause mistreatment. We are silenced and have a tendency to try to ‘fit in’ and be conformed to this world. We have to stop viewing ourselves as victims and get back to work.
Secondly, we fail to rejoice in our sufferings for Christ. The apostles rejoiced that they were counted worthy of suffering for Christ. Paul tells the Colossians that he rejoices in his sufferings for their sake. Jesus praised the church at Smyrna for standing firm in their tribulations. James tells us to rejoice when we meet trials. And here, John tells us not to be surprised. By being the victim, we fail to see the blessings that God has for us in those moments of hardship.
Don’t play the victim. Rejoice and keep up the good work for the kingdom.
by Chadwick Brewer