
Posted on: January 1st, 2012

What is the value of self-control?

– Self-control is that which enables us to hold our tongues when we are tempted to viciously put someone in his place once and for all; or when we know a juicy bit of gossip that would be entertaining to the group and would turn us into the “life of the party”; or when an occasion almost demands that we betray a confidence that must not be betrayed under any circumstances.

– Self-control is that which enables us to control our passions when another is provoking us to anger; that keeps the clinched fists in the pockets when the agitator is only half our size; that keeps the lips sealed when another is railing and swearing at us.

– Self-control is that which enables us to be like our Lord “who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously” (I Pet 2:23).

– Self-control is that which enables us to maintain purity of heart and to thrust out evil thoughts before they can take root; that enables us to place the best possible construction on another person’s actions when unproven rumors could easily destroy our confidence in him; that helps us to maintain a cheerful disposition when everything around us has turned sour.
– Self-control is that which enables us to love the unlovable and to hate that which the world loves.

– Self-control is that which enables us to rule our appetites; to say “no” when our lusts would lead us to sin or when that which is harmful to our health is placed before us.

– Self-control is that which enables the smoker to put down his cigarettes and the alcoholic to put down his drink and never return to it.

– Self-control is that which enables us to rule rather than to be enslaved.

The Bible does not glorify the indifferent and impassive. It is not our goal to be uncaring. To be like Paul, we must be able to have our spirit stirred within us when we are surrounded by evil (Acts 17:16). To be like our Lord, we must sometimes feel anger when surrounded by hypocritical self- righteousness (Mark 3:5); we must even react with occasional outbursts of goodness on occasions, as when the Lord cleansed the temple (John 2:13-17). But, all such outbursts must be tempered with self-control, that in our anger we “do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26). God does not view our uncontrolled actions with amusement. Our temper tantrums and harsh, unbridled words are soul threatening, a potential bar to the abundant entrance into the Lord’s everlasting kingdom (II Peter 1:5- 11). We must not minimize the danger. We must not surrender to this evil. What is the value of self- control? It is one of the qualities that enable us to go to heaven. The possessor of it is rich indeed.

Bill Hall/The Gospel Observer Dec 2011